What Is the Process for Asphalt Sealcoating in Saint Paul?

So you’ve got yourself an asphalt driveway in Saint Paul, huh? Well, lucky you! Now, you might be wondering what the process is for sealcoating that bad boy. Don’t you worry, we’ve got you covered.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of asphalt sealcoating in Saint Paul.

From preparing the surface to applying the sealcoat and all the way to the finishing touches, you’ll have all the information you need to keep your driveway looking fresh and protected.

So, let’s dive in and get that asphalt looking spick and span!

Preparing the Surface

To begin the process of asphalt sealcoating in Saint Paul, you’ll need to make sure the surface is properly prepared.

This step is crucial to ensure a smooth and long-lasting sealcoat. Start by cleaning the surface thoroughly, removing any dirt, debris, or vegetation.

Next, repair any cracks or potholes using a high-quality crack filler.

Finally, sweep the area to remove any loose materials.

Cleaning the Asphalt

Now, you’ll want to clean the asphalt surface thoroughly to ensure a smooth and debris-free sealcoat.

Start by removing any loose dirt and debris with a broom or blower.

Next, use a pressure washer to remove any stubborn stains or dirt. Pay special attention to oil spots and grease stains, as they can interfere with the adhesion of the sealcoat.

Applying the Sealcoat

After thoroughly cleaning the asphalt surface, you can now proceed to apply the sealcoat using a sprayer or squeegee.

This step is crucial for protecting your asphalt from harsh weather conditions and extending its lifespan. By applying the sealcoat, you create a barrier that prevents water, oil, and other substances from penetrating the surface.

This not only enhances the appearance of your asphalt but also reduces the chances of cracks and deterioration.

Take pride in maintaining your asphalt and enjoy a smooth, long-lasting surface.

Curing and Drying

Once the sealcoat has been applied, you should allow it to cure and dry completely before using the asphalt surface. This process is essential for ensuring that the sealcoat forms a strong, protective layer on the asphalt.

Curing and drying typically take around 24 to 48 hours, depending on the weather conditions. During this time, it’s important to avoid any traffic or activity on the surface to allow the sealcoat to set properly.

Patience is key in achieving a long-lasting and durable sealcoat.

Finishing Touches

To complete the process of asphalt sealcoating in Saint Paul, you can add the finishing touches that will enhance the durability and appearance of the surface.

Applying line striping to clearly mark parking spaces and traffic lanes not only improves safety but also creates a sense of order.

In addition, adding pavement markings such as arrows and symbols can provide helpful directions.

These finishing touches won’t only make your asphalt surface look professional but also contribute to a sense of belonging in the community.

Get in touch with us today

Discover how our seasoned team is ready to address all your seal coating requirements in St Paul. No project is too large or too small for our expertise! Reach out to us by phone or complete our form today to get started.